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Our 2024 awards categories

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1. Get to know more about the categories for awards by downloading the criteria for judging. Simply fill out the form below and select the category you want to download.

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Academic/Researcher of the Year

The development of the next generation of lawyers is fundamental to the growth of the legal profession – and academics have a major responsibility in cultivating this talent.

This award recognises the academic and/or researcher who is most effectively shaping the legal industry and, through their work, instils a passion for the law, professional excellence and expertise.

Barrister of the Year

A barrister at the top of their game uses razor-sharp analysis to sway the court.

This award recognises outstanding performance by a female barrister over FY2023–24.

Dealmaker of the Year

A firm’s fortunes are intrinsically linked to its dealmakers.

This award recognises outstanding performance by a female lawyer in a private practice law firm who has acted on one or more transactions over FY2023–24.

Executive of the Year

The mark of an effective leader is a thriving business.

This award recognises those who lead from the front.

General Counsel of the Year

General counsel play an important management role in companies and government departments, acting as both legal and commercial advisers to business leaders.

This award recognises superior in-house performance and leadership.

HR Professional of the Year

An essential pillar to any legal firm or in-house team, the human resources function not only connects the organisation with new or prospective employees, but it is also fundamental to creating and cultivating the culture of the business.

In-House Professional of the Year

Professionals working in-house, either as legal counsel or company secretaries, are at the coalface of a company’s day-to-day activities, influencing both legal and business decisions.

This award recognises outstanding performance by a female lawyer working in-house, including both corporate and public sector lawyers.

Indigenous Lawyer of the Year

This award recognises lawyers of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage who have demonstrated excellence in their industry and supported Indigenous communities.

Innovator of the Year (Individual)

This award recognises the female legal professional who has most effectively developed and capitalised on innovation opportunities in the legal industry. All types of innovation will be considered, whether related to service excellence, product, systems and business development, technology, workplace management and enterprise or any other style of innovation.

Innovator of the Year (Company)

Innovative businesses, at a time of intense disruption and evolution, are capitalising on the ever- growing opportunities in the legal profession and securing their success as long-term players.

This award recognises the most innovative business operating in Australia’s legal profession.

Law Student of the Year

In the toughest graduate jobs market in history, law students are performing beyond expectations to guarantee their entry into the legal profession.

This award recognises the academic, community and legal achievements of undergraduates.

Legal Operations Professional of the Year

The multidisciplinary function of legal operations is on the rise in the Australian market, providing companies with an opportunity to optimise legal service delivery.

This award recognises a female legal operations professional who has successfully implemented change in their chosen organisation.

Legal Support Professional of the Year

The outstanding results produced by legal teams are only possible due to the efforts of support staff.

This award recognises a female whose role forms part of a private practice firm and in-house support team.

Marketing Communications Professional of the Year

Marketing, communications, and PR executives are central to the promotion and positioning of any firm, helping connect with media, potential and current clients as well as stakeholders to inform, influence and engage.

This award recognises the female marketing communications executive in a private practice firm who has done the most to support the firm.

Mentor of the Year

The mentorship of emerging talent has a long history in the law and offers the opportunity for experienced operators to impart their experience and knowledge to their peers.

To be considered for this award, applicants will need to showcase how their specific involvement in programs and initiatives over FY2023–24 has benefited female lawyers and led to the development and retention of talent in the profession.

Not-for Profit, Pro Bono or Community Legal Centre Lawyer of the Year

The legal profession has long supported the wider community through not-for-profit, pro bono and community legal centre work, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring all members of society have equal access to legal services and representation.

This award recognises a female lawyer who has demonstrated a commitment to the community over FY2023–24 via at least one significant not-for-profit, pro bono initiative or community legal centre.

Partner of the Year – BigLaw

Successful partners are not only profitable, but they also foster a positive work culture in their practice group.

This award recognises outstanding performance by a female partner in a BigLaw private practice firm.

Partner of the Year – SME Law

Successful partners are not only profitable, but they also foster a positive work culture in their practice group.

Rising Star of the Year – BigLaw

The first few years of legal practice are critical to the future success of a lawyer. Those who demonstrate potential can fast-track their rise through the ranks.

This award recognises outstanding performance by an individual working in a BigLaw firm.

Rising Star of the Year – In-House/Government

The first few years of legal practice are critical to the future success of a lawyer. Those who demonstrate potential can fast-track their rise through the ranks.

This award recognises outstanding performance by an individual working in-house, or in a government sector position.

Rising Star of the Year – SME Law

The first few years of legal practice are critical to the future success of a lawyer. Those who demonstrate potential can fast-track their rise through the ranks.

This award recognises outstanding performance by an individual in an SME law firm.

Senior Associate of the Year – BigLaw

Making partner is the holy grail for most senior associates, but only strong performers will be offered the coveted position.

Senior Associate of the Year – SME Law

Making partner is the holy grail for most senior associates, but only strong performers will be offered the coveted position.

This award recognises outstanding performance by a female lawyer at senior associate level in an SME private practice law firm.

Sole Practitioner of the Year

Operating your own practice demands not only vast legal expertise but also requires capabilities across marketing, sales, business systems and processes, and client-retention strategies.

Special Counsel of the Year

Successful special counsel are set apart by their exceptional achievements.

This award recognises outstanding performance by an individual at special counsel level.

Thought Leader of the Year

This award recognises a female lawyer in the Australian legal profession who has shown a long-term passion and aptitude for improving the industry. This professional is able to clearly articulate the desired direction of the industry and draw upon best practice from other relevant industries and markets to champion growth and development of the sector.

Boutique Diversity Law Firm of the Year

Retention and recruitment policies, the provision of flexible work arrangements, and distinct policies implemented to lift the number of females into senior positions are all essential qualities for maintaining diversity in law firms.

This award recognises the boutique law firm that is fostering a diverse culture that encourages the retention of its female legal professionals.

Diversity Law Firm of the Year

Retention and recruitment policies, the provision of flexible work arrangements, and distinct policies implemented to lift the number of females into senior positions are all essential qualities for maintaining diversity in law firms.

This award recognises the law firm that is fostering a diverse culture that encourages the retention of its female legal professionals.

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Thank you for your interest in Women in Law Awards 2024.

Please find the attached category descriptions.

For any additional information, or any questions, please contact [email protected] or alternatively call 0448 021 996.

We look forward to seeing your submission.

Best wishes,

Women in Law Awards Team


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