Shipping container paradise delivered by firms
Two firms have played a role in a development deal that will see an easing in congestion in freight movement in Australia.

Firms: Herbert Smith Freehills (Moorebank Intermodal Company Limited); King & Wood Mallesons (Aurizon and Qube); Corrs Chambers Westgarth (Aurizon)
Value: A$2 billion
Area: Development
Key players: HSF’s team was led by partners Peter Paradise (pictured) and Greg Hing (real estate) with primary support from senior associate Anna Britten-Jones and solicitors Melissa Rubbo and Annie Seo.
Corrs' team was led by corporate partner Stephanie Daveson with fellow partners Jeremy Horwood, Jay Andrews (property), Simon Ashworth (construction) and Rhys Jewell (tax).
Deal Significance:
The development will provide a transport solution to support the growth in freight movement in Australia, as well as congestion relief, improvements to freight capacity and environmental benefits.
It will enable freight movement by rail between Port Botany and Moorebank, reducing the number of freight trucks on the road and increasing capacity at Port Botany.
“We are very privileged to be the primary adviser on such a landmark, large-scale development, which will affect nearly every resident in the Sydney metropolitan area through an integrated logistics chain,” Mr Paradise said.