Latest Podcasts

Podcast 17 July 2024 ByRobyn TongolReasonable contact of staff under the new Right to Disconnect

Until such time as the Fair Work Commission sets precedents from test cases, employers may need to err on the side of...

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Podcast 15 July 2024 ByPracticeEvolveIn this special episode of LawTech Talks, produced in partnership with...

In this special episode of LawTech Talks, produced in partnership with PracticeEvolve, we unpack the need for law firms...

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Podcast 12 July 2024 ByRobyn Tongol‘Without theory, practice is chaos’

In an age of rapid tech advancement, PhD candidate Chantal McNaught is fascinated by the navigation of conflict between...

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Podcast 11 July 2024 ByJessa SargentoProtégé: Building genuine connections post-law school

Once law graduates get out into the profession, the long hours and volume of work can often mean that keeping in touch...

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Podcast 10 July 2024 ByRobyn TongolThe Boutique Lawyer Show: Navigating tragedy while running a firm

Running a successful law firm is trying at the best of times. In the wake of personal and familial tragedy, being a...

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Podcast 09 July 2024 ByRobyn TongolBetter management of interpersonal conflict

While lawyers are adept at navigating conflict on behalf of clients, they are often ill equipped to deal with their...

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Podcast 08 July 2024 ByRobyn TongolMaking Australia the world’s most cyber secure nation

In this special episode, brought to you by Lawyers Weekly’s sister brand, Cyber Daily, Cyber Security Minister Clare...

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Podcast 05 July 2024 ByRobyn Tongol Unpacking the ‘tidal wave’ of industrial relations reform

In the wake of voluminous change in the industrial relations space, it is critical to reflect on how such legislative...

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Podcast 04 July 2024 ByYork HamiltonSpecialised remote talent, offshoring, and the future of Australian...

In this special episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, produced in partnership with York Hamilton, we explore the upward...

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Podcast 03 July 2024 ByRobyn TongolLiving and practising from the heart

As one who has experienced significant adversity in life, Rugare Gomo understands better than most the importance of not...

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