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Mallesons spins airline carbon offset program

IN A LANDMARK move by Asian airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair have launched their global carbon offset programs after being advised by Mallesons Stephen Jaques on its design and…

user iconLawyers Weekly 15 April 2008 Big Law
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IN A LANDMARK move by Asian airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair have launched their global carbon offset programs after being advised by Mallesons Stephen Jaques on its design and implementation.

Under the Fly Greener program, passengers on the airlines will have the choice to offset the carbon dioxide emissions on their flight through cash or frequent flyer miles. These funds will then be used by the airlines to participate in projects that work to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.


Led by climate change and clean energy partner Christopher Tung, Mallesons assisted in the development and implementation of the carbon offset program.

According to Tung, the program could provide green innovation for the rest of the industry. “Fly Greener represents cutting-edge carbon offsetting practice and we believe that it will set a new benchmark in the aviation industry,” he said.
