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ASU calls on Slater and Gordon to raise wages

The Australian Services Union (ASU) has launched a petition against Slater and Gordon, calling on the national law firm to give staff a “meaningful pay rise”.

user iconLauren Croft 30 March 2022 Big Law
Slater and Gordon
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Having been negotiating with Slater and Gordon since September 2020, the ASU has now urgently called on John Somerville and management at Slater and Gordon to “return to the bargaining table with a meaningful pay rise for employees.”

According to ASU, the firm has made “outrageous” pay offers throughout negotiations, including a four-year wage freeze and locking in pay increases for support staff that are below predicted inflation rates.

To ensure employees are paid wages that meet the rising cost of living, the union has launched a petition to call on firm management to increase wages and continue pay negotiations.


ASU Victorian private sector branch assistant secretary Imogen Sturni said Slater and Gordon employees deserve fair pay and conditions – particularly after working through a pandemic.

“Since September 2020, dedicated lawyers and legal support staff at Slater and Gordon have been bargaining for a new enterprise agreement. We know staff want a resolution to this, but the firm’s offer is unreasonable and not one we can accept,” she said.

“Slater and Gordon’s offer for support staff and law clerks is below the expected inflation rate, meaning a pay cut. The firm is also asking lawyers to agree to a pay freeze of four years, meaning a first-year lawyer in 2023 will earn what a first-year lawyer did in 2019.”

Speaking to Lawyers Weekly, a Slater and Gordon spokesperson said that the firm would continue to negotiate in “good faith”.

“Despite negotiations continuing, Slater and Gordon have ensured pay increases for legal support staff, law clerks and junior lawyers on the EBA over the past nine months.

“We also remain committed to ensuring our people continue to have a safe and effective work environment and to maintaining and strengthening the significant benefits to which our people at Slater and Gordon have access,” they said.  

“We will continue to work constructively with the ASU and delegates to achieve an outcome that is fair and equitable for all of our people, and for the thousands of Australians who need our help now, and into the future.”  

Ms Sturni added that securing a decent deal at Slater and Gordon is crucial for the firm to retain the best lawyers in an increasingly competitive market.

“All workers at Slater and Gordon’s are asking that their employer ensures their pay keeps pace with industry standards,” she said.

“Through the Australian Services Union, we expect to win the wage increases Slater and Gordon’s employees deserve.”