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Aussie lawyer to chair international legal network

The Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW) has elected an Australian lawyer to serve as chairman.

user iconEmma Musgrave 28 December 2022 Big Law
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Darwin-based Leon Loganathan was selected to serve a two-year term as chairman of the international legal network. 

Mr Loganathan is a partner at law firm Ward Keller. He has served on the executive committee of LAW for over 10 years.


Throughout his career, Mr Loganathan has practised in state taxation, commercial transactions and alternative dispute resolution. In addition to holding qualifications in law and economics, Mr Loganathan is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

In addition to Mr Loganathan being selected as chairman, Canadian lawyer Celso Boscariol was selected as vice chairman.

“We are very pleased these two individuals have been chosen by the membership to serve in these two leadership positions of LAW,” said Marc Grüninger, immediate past chair of LAW.

“It is a pleasure to chair this organisation with such a spectacular group of lawyers on the executive committee. We have accomplished much in the last few years, and this great team will allow us to make more great strides over the next few years.”