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DLA Piper advises on tech deal

DLA Piper Australia has acted for Calix Limited, a minerals processing technology company, in a raising set to deliver up to $54.6 million of new capital.Calix Limited has issued to two…

user iconLawyers Weekly 24 October 2011 Big Law
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DLA Piper Australia has acted for Calix Limited, a minerals processing technology company, in a raising set to deliver up to $54.6 million of new capital.

Calix Limited has issued to two institutional investors up to $40 million of bonds, which can be converted into ordinary shares in Calix and up to 20 million options to subscribe for new ordinary shares in the company.


One of the investors is a leading global institutional asset manager with over $29 billion of assets under management, and the other is a significant Australian-listed investment house. Neither investor wished to be named.

DLA Piper corporate partner led the DLA team with senior associate Christalyne Look and solicitor Dylan Burke.

Mark Burger said the capital raising would allow Calix to pursue its strategy to commercialise its technology.
