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The Corporate Counsel Show: Why it might be time for Australian corporations to ‘go global’

On this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, the general counsel and chief strategy officer for Croesus Holdings Group, Garry Taylor, delves into the development of a new scenario for how Australian corporations operate once we emerge out of the coronavirus crisis – by “going global”.

user iconJerome Doraisamy 03 June 2020 Corporate Counsel
Garry Taylor
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Garry joins host Jerome Doraisamy to discuss what an international business expansion actually entails, why such a prospect might pertain to Australian corporations in particular, and how a GC can manage their department in taking on such a task.

Garry explains why hiring and training young employees is critical, outlines why he advocates for having a GC on the board of any corporation, and shares his sentiment towards a post-pandemic legal sector.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: