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Lawyer urges caution to holiday-makers

A Brisbane-based firm has issued a warning following recent fatal accidents involving holiday activities on the nation’s waterways.

user iconEmma Musgrave 06 January 2017 NewLaw
jet ski
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Injury & Accident Lawyers' chief operations officer Paul Catchlove has advised holiday-makers to exercise caution when riding jet-skis.

Mr Catchlove said recent fatal accidents involving jet-skis have highlighted the dangers of the high-speed watercraft, and the need for riders to show a duty of care to other people in the water, particularly given the time of year.

“While most jet-ski riders act responsibly, there is a minority who are foolish operating these powerful machines and put themselves and other water users in danger of injury or even death,” Mr Catchlove said.


Mr Catchlove said jet-ski riders need to ensure they are licensed and insured, while also respecting rules to keep a safe distance from swimmers, paddle-boarders and boats.

“Police are sure to be out in force checking jet-ski riders are properly licensed if they are not part of a guided jet-ski tour group,” he said.

“Lovers of jet-skis commend and encourage the efforts of police and maritime authorities to come down hard on those few who flout the law and give jet-ski riders a bad name. These people also run the risk of being personally liable for the injuries they cause and they may not be insured.”

Mr Catchlove said jet-ski operators also have a duty of care to ensure the safety of their passengers, particularly if they are children.

“It’s incumbent on operators to ensure their passengers and themselves are wearing a life jacket,” he concluded.