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Qld rehires legal eagles

IN A case of a bird being worth more in the hand, it seems, the Queensland Government has manoeuvred to reposition a number of its key legal players. One of the State’s most distinguished…

user iconLawyers Weekly 25 February 2005 NewLaw
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IN A case of a bird being worth more in the hand, it seems, the Queensland Government has manoeuvred to reposition a number of its key legal players.

One of the State’s most distinguished barristers, Solicitor-General Pat Keane QC is to become a judge of the Queensland Court of Appeal, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Rod Welford announced late last week.


Taking his place, Walter Sofronoff QC will take the helm as the State’s Solicitor-General. His experience in all jurisdictions, including the Supreme, Federal and High Courts places him in an excellent position to act as counsel for the State, said Welford.

Sofronoff has been in private practice as a barrister since 1977 and has held positions including president of the Queensland Bar Association. He is currently the president of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal, and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Queensland, as well as a lecturer at the Bar Practice Course.

He replaces Keane, who won the University of Queensland Medal in Law when he graduated in 1976. According to Welford, “there is no doubt that [Keane] will be an asset to the Court of Appeal and continue its tradition of legal excellence”.
