Exciting updates from CLW

CLW has bounced back from the unpleasant Covid-driven 2021 with a new fitout, occupation of all of Level 5, 99 York Street and with six staff promotions and appointments:

Promoted by Clinch Long Woodbridge 21 January 2022 NewLaw
Exciting updates from CLW
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Promotions and Appointments:

Greg McCray

The highly respected Greg McCray, a mainstay in Pharmacy Law practice on the Eastern Seaboard has joined our firm from 1 January 2022. Greg and his team have acted primarily in that area for many years. Formerly Managing Partner of Watts McCray, Greg is well known throughout the legal world, prominent in the industry with 40 years' experience.


Matthew Smith

From 1 January 2022 the leader of our Estate’s Practice, Matthew Smith is a partner of the firm. Matt’s wealth of experience including 12 years at Perpetual and 5 years as a Senior Associate at our firm, has served our private clients extremely well. Wealth protection is of increasing importance to the Australian community as housing prices soar and superannuation portfolios are the norm. Matt’s expertise is strongly sought after and his growing team deliver thoughtful solutions.


Genevieve Hehir

Our Employment Law and Commercial and Litigation expert is promoted to Senior Associate. Genevieve’s contribution to our corporate clients during the COVID-19 pandemic of employee management has been a standout contribution of sensitive, inclusive and yet practical advice to the automotive, pharmaceutical and IT industries in particular.


Jack Robertson

Jack is promoted to Associate within our Commercial, Pharmacy and Litigation team. His expertise in pharmacy sales and purchases in particular has been a boom to our team. His support for Peter Clinch’s transition to retirement has been exceptional.

Jane Truong

Jane is promoted to Associate within our Property team. In the last 12 months, Sydney’s commercial property climate has been as unusual as the residential property market. Jane has shown exceptional skill in advising developers, landlords and tenants about the new landscape building an impressive practice based in the CBD and beyond.

Georgina Dalton

Georgie is promoted to Associate within our Family Law team. Having joined us from a boutique family law practice 2 years ago and already with experience in family law, Georgie has developed a capacity for complex large matters whilst maintaining compassion and a measured style of advice for our clients when they are in the midst of personal trauma. Her breadth of experience across parenting and property matters has made her an ideal candidate for a promotion.

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