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Hello, the world wide web

Dear Lawyer2BSo close, but so far away! Okay, so you have this sort of trendy, really relevant mag that gives students really original insight into what their futures are going to look like if…

user iconLawyers Weekly 01 September 2007 NewLaw
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Dear Lawyer2B

So close, but so far away! Okay, so you have this sort of trendy, really relevant mag that gives students really original insight into what their futures are going to look like if they go into law, and how to prepare best for that. But then you don’t have a website! Pleeeease get a website, this is getting ridiculous. You can have the best magazine in the world, topple Vogue Australia off the shelves if you can, but what’s the point if no one can find your articles online? You get my point I think. Students expect all the info they need to be at their fingertips, not just delivered through their mailbox.

Thanks very much,


Lawyer to be Online

Lawyer2B’s response:

Dear lawyer to be

Thanks for your email. Lawyer2B has been getting bigger and better every issue, but not until now have we been able to give the mag the online attention it deserves. Check out the new Lawyers Weekly website ( when it relaunches, and click on “Students”. Here, dear reader, is Lawyer2B online. Enjoy. And please let us know what you think.

Thanks for reading, albeit the hardcopy.

