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Aussie lawyers take out cricket World Cup

The Australian lawyers' cricket team has stormed home to win the Lawyers Cricket World Cup, hosted by Cambridge University in England.Australia beat off tough competition from India, who was…

user iconLawyers Weekly 05 August 2009 NewLaw
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The Australian lawyers' cricket team has stormed home to win the Lawyers Cricket World Cup, hosted by Cambridge University in England.

Australia beat off tough competition from India, who was defending its title from the first cup held in India last year, to take out the final match which was held at the famous Oval cricket ground in London.

The Aussies, captioned by NSW DPP lawyer Karl Prince, won the match by two wickets - 294 runs versus 293, with one ball to spare.


However it wasn't all smooth sailing. With two down for two runs, and then three down for eight, the team was in trouble. But the team fought back to eventually take out the reigning champions from India.

Queensland lawyer Ashely Tiplady top scored for Australia with 75, while DLA Phillips Fox's Andrew Forbed brought the game home with 42 not out. Greg Rowell also performed well, hitting a crucial 24 at the end.

The Australian team was undefeated in every game through their pool in their run up to the final, beating the West Indies, Sri Lanka, the English Barristers, India B and Pakistan.

This year's Australian lawyers' cricket team was coordinated by the Australian Lawyers Cricket Council (ALCC), headed by president Alex Martin. Martin explained that the team was selected through a vigorous selection trial held in January this year.

"We decided that if we were putting 'Australia' in our name, [the team] had to be selected purely on a merits basis," he said.

The team was sponsored by LexisNexis, the Law Society of NSW, DLA Phillips Fox, TressCox Lawyers and KordaMentha.

The ALCC is currently garnering support for the next World Cup to be held in Sydney in January 2011, to coincide with the next Ashes series.