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Doors open on Children’s law awards

Nominations have opened for the 2010 Children's Law Awards, organised by the National Children's Youth and Law Centre and Mallesons Stephen Jaques.The awards recognise and reward individuals and…

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Nominations have opened for the 2010 Children's Law Awards, organised by the National Children's Youth and Law Centre and Mallesons Stephen Jaques.

The awards recognise and reward individuals and organisations who advance the legal rights and interests of children and young people in Australia, and aim to raise awareness of the legal issues affecting children and young people.


Nominations are sought in the following categories:

* Outstanding legal representation of the rights and interests of children and young people;

* Outstanding advocacy in policy or law reform to advance the legal rights and interests of children and young people;

* The media award for raising awareness of important children's legal rights issues.

Nominations close on Friday 19 February 2010. The awards will be presented by Attorney-General Robert McClelland on Friday 16 April 2010 during National Youth Week.

Click here for more information.