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Victoria Law Foundation: New Leader Appointed

The Hon Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Chief Justice of Victoria, has announced the appointment of Johann Kirby as Executive Director of the Victoria Law Foundation.The Chief Justice made the…

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The Hon Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Chief Justice of Victoria, has announced the appointment of Johann Kirby as Executive Director of the Victoria Law Foundation.

The Chief Justice made the announcement in her capacity as President of Victoria Law Foundation.


"It gives me great pleasure to welcome Joh Kirby to this significant position in our legal community,” the Chief Justice said.

“She brings to it proven commitment and success in managing projects of public benefit together with experience as a lawyer, grants manager and art administrator. I am sure her experience and vision will enhance the foundation's role in providing legal information and education to the Victorian community and advancing the efficient administration of our justice system."

Ms Kirby has worked for two years at the foundation as the Grants Manager and for the past 8 months as Acting Executive Director since the resignation of Professor Kathy Laster, who left the foundation to take on the role of Executive Director at the Institute of Public Administration Australia in Victoria.

The foundation recently underwent a review of its core legislative functions, conducted by HLB Mann Judd Consulting. The review returned 12 recommendations which have been made available on the Department of Justice website, and have now been endorsed by the Attorney-General.

In her new role Ms Kirby will oversee a number of significant proposed legislative changes to the foundation. "I am excited about working with the foundation's board and staff to implement the foundation's new focus and ensure the foundation's continued relevance into the future," Ms Kirby said.
