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Bartier Perry prove sporting supremacy

Bartier Perry has proven their lawyers are the fastest swimmers in Sydney after winning the held at the Andrew Boy Charlton Pool, for the second consecutive year.In addition to their superior…

user iconLawyers Weekly 11 March 2010 NewLaw
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Bartier Perry has proven their lawyers are the fastest swimmers in Sydney after winning the held at the Andrew Boy Charlton Pool, for the second consecutive year.

In addition to their superior swimming skills, the lawyers at Bartier Perry also won the 2009 Sydney Lawyers Touch Football Competition for the third successive year.


The Bartier Perry lawyers defeated Minter Ellison 4-3 in the grand final after trailing 3-1 at half time - the third time the two firms had met in the final.

The firm proudly announced that it's the only firm to win the S J O'Halloran Shield four times in the 24-year history of the touch football competition, winning four of the last seven seasons.