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Hicks' lawyer wins Justice Award

Adelaide lawyer Stephen Kenny, who shot to fame when he acted for Australian terrorism suspect David Hicks, has won the Law Society of South Australia's Justice Award.The award, which is handed…

user iconLawyers Weekly 02 September 2010 NewLaw
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Adelaide lawyer Stephen Kenny, who shot to fame when he acted for Australian terrorism suspect David Hicks, has won the Law Society of South Australia's Justice Award.

The award, which is handed out annually, recognises members of the legal profession whose work improves access to justice and often goes unnoticed.


While Kenny is most well known for his association with Hicks, whom he represented on a pro bono basis for several years, he also acts for numerous socially and economically disadvantaged members of the community.

Amongst them is fellow South Australian Robert Langdon, who is currently on death row in Afghanistan after being convicted of murdering a security guard and trying to blame the crime on the Taliban.

Kenny is working on Langdon's matter on a daily basis and has travelled to Kabul to meet with Langdon and Afghani legal authorities.

Kenny also currently acts for three of the largest South Australian Native Title groups, providing free advice and working on community development programs.

Richard Mellows, president of the South Australian Law Society, praised Kenny for his "selfless dedication and passion" for helping the disadvantaged.