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Carter Newell lawyers turn blue for cancer

The staff at Carter Newell Lawyers have raised $2,200 for Cancer Council Queensland, declaring September "Blue" in support of the national Blue Challenges campaign. The campaign was launched on…

user iconLawyers Weekly 03 September 2010 NewLaw
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The staff at Carter Newell Lawyers have raised $2,200 for Cancer Council Queensland, declaring September "Blue" in support of the national Blue Challenges campaign.

The campaign was launched on 1 September to encourage men to make smart lifestyle decisions to reduce the risk of cancer and to raise awareness of men's cancers and funds for cancer research.


To support the campaign, Carter Newell's workplace giving committee organised a fundraising initiative whereby the staff wear blue shirts on Fridays for the month of September.

"The staff response to the polo shirt initiative has again been fantastic and with over 80 employees donning the blue this year, it'll be hard to miss Carter Newell staff members each Friday," said associate and member of the Carter Newell workplace giving committee, Andrew Persijn.