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Net guru puts Maddocks in NBN debate

Maddocks found itself at the centre of the NBN debate last week, after Vinton Cerf, known as one of the "fathers of the internet", used his lecture at the firm to confess that he was "jealous"…

user iconLawyers Weekly 25 January 2011 NewLaw
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Maddocks found itself at the centre of the NBN debate last week, after Vinton Cerf, known as one of the "fathers of the internet", used his lecture at the firm to confess that he was "jealous" of Australia's National Broadband Network.

Cerf played a major role in developing the internet alongside Robert E Kahn. Now the "chief internet evangelist" at Google, he was in Sydney last week to present to the Internet Society of Australia at an event hosted by Maddocks.


He told the Maddocks ICT team, including senior associate Jeff Goodall and associate Sonia Sharma, that the NBN was a "great opportunity for Australia" and that he wished the United States would do something similar.

He added that the $36 billion project would not be a "waste of money" as the investment would pay for itself in the decades to come.