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Firm makes partners record 50 hours per week

UK firm Ashurst is now making its partners record at least 50 hours of firm-related work every week in order to show their commitment to the business, reports Legal Week.Under the new targets,…

user iconLawyers Weekly 27 January 2011 NewLaw
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UK firm Ashurst is now making its partners record at least 50 hours of firm-related work every week in order to show their commitment to the business, reports Legal Week.

Under the new targets, partners must spend 10 hours each day on either billable client work or other firm-related activities, such as knowledge management, business development or other management activities. This is an increase of 40 per cent on the previously required 35-hour minimum week.


"This is an attempt to set a clear standard among partners - it is important that they set a positive example for all lawyers and non-lawyers across the firm," senior partner Charlie Geffen told Legal Week.