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The Corporate Counsel Show: Getting fewer emails in your inbox

Most in-house lawyers that Michael Milnes speaks with are inundated with email, and often spend a significant part of their day working in, and interrupted by their inbox. Here’s how he is looking to overcome it.

user iconRobyn Tongol 10 November 2023 Podcast
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In this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with TPG Telecom senior corporate counsel Michael Milnes about the scourge of being flooded by emails and why it’s such a big problem for in-house legal teams, how a clogged inbox gets in the way of addressing the urgent priorities, how having a full inbox can be seen as part and parcel of one’s role and why this is problematic.

Mr Milnes also discusses what he has learnt about managing his inbox, imbibing a top-down culture around clearing one’s email inbox, whether external providers have a role to play in supporting their clients, the need for a mindset shift in getting the little things right, the increasing need to address this issue in the post-pandemic climate, and his broader words of wisdom for in-house lawyers in better managing such administrative tasks.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: