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How lawyers can be more active during work hours

The adverse consequences on one’s holistic health from being overly sedentary are well established. In the modern working world, where lawyers are tethered to devices and the separation between home and work is blurred, being physically active is more essential than ever before.

user iconRobyn Tongol 12 March 2024 Podcast
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In this episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, host Jerome Doraisamy is joined by TEDx speaker, personal trainer, fitness presenter and author Lizzie Williamson about how a lack of physical activity during the day can have deleterious consequences for professional services workers, how social media can exacerbate how one is feeling, and why it can be so difficult for lawyers to get up and move during the working day.

Williamson also delves into the flow-on consequences for lawyers who are overly sedentary, overcoming a lack of motivation, the impact of negative motivation on one’s psyche, the roadblocks in the way of good practices, tips to get started on a more active journey, how leaders can encourage small steps for their teams, overcoming perfectionism, and realising what kind of day lawyers want to have.


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