Cyber security, professional conduct and civil liability
The introduction of minimum cyber security standards in Victoria earlier this year reinforces the fact that educating one’s workforce and implementing optimal frameworks to prevent breaches and attacks is not just good practice – it goes to the heart of one’s professional duties as a lawyer.
In this episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, host Jerome Doraisamy welcomes back Law & Cyber principal Simone Herbert-Lowe to discuss her interest and background in practising cyber security, the introduction by the Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner of minimum cyber security standards and why the standards were brought in, what it means for practitioners in the Garden State and what practitioners in other state and territory jurisdictions should glean from the standards.
Herbert-Lowe also delves into the extent to which upholding certain standards regarding cyber security is at the forefront of lawyers’ minds, the expansion of the remit of professional obligations for lawyers, the potential penalties for lawyers who breach standards or civil liability obligations, what lawyers must do in order to ensure best practice and avoid disciplinary findings, and the need for constant vigilance rather than employing a “set and forget” attitude.
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