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Lawyers respond to Justice Beazley’s appointment as NSW Governor

Following Sunday’s announcement that the Honourable Justice Margaret Beazley AO will be the next Governor of NSW, lawyers and legal organisations across the country have had their say on the appointment.

user iconJerome Doraisamy 15 January 2019 Politics
Justice Margaret Beazley
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Speaking on Sunday, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said she was “delighted” that the recommendation to make Justice Beazley the new Governor had been approved by the Crown.

“Justice Beazley has made an outstanding contribution to the legal profession, having served as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia and the NSW Court of Appeal, and as President of the Court of Appeal,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“She has also had a successful career as a legal academic through her chairmanship of the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law and through her writing on a variety of legal matters.”


She has been a mentor to many aspiring legal professionals, Ms Berejiklian continued, a role that was recognised when she was made an Officer in the Order of Australia.

“Justice Beazley is an exceptional Australian who has served our state and nation with distinction for many years. The people of NSW are extremely fortunate Justice Beazley has accepted the position of Governor.”

Numerous legal figures across the country welcomed the news, with NSW Women Lawyers president Larissa Andelman calling it a “wonderful appointment” and saying Justice Beazley “is a role model and pioneer in the legal profession”.

Former NSW Bar Association president Jane Needham SC said: “I first met Margaret Beazley when I was a law student working in the courts and she was a pregnant commercial silk. I was so impressed with her acumen, skill, and kindness. She is a great choice for Governor.”

Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC said the appointment was a “loss for the legal profession but great for [the] state”.

Former president of the Australian Bar Association and chair of Transparency International Australia Fiona McLeod SC said Justice Beazley “has been a fine judge and a champion for women lawyers for years, encouraging so many of us!”

Scientia Professor of law and director of the Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW Jane McAdam added: “I have no doubt that she will bring her integrity, intelligence, kindness and humanity to this role, as she has throughout her career.” 

The Law Council, NSW Women Lawyers and Australian Women Lawyers all welcomed the appointment on behalf of their members as well.

Justice Beazley will become NSW’s 39th Governor. She graduated from Sydney Law School with Honours in Law in 1974, was appointed Queens Counsel in 1989 and is the current President of the NSW Court of Appeal.