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HDY recruits new partner

Henry Davis York has welcomed a property and construction specialist as the newest partner of its Canberra office.

user iconEmma Musgrave 18 October 2016 SME Law
Ben Fuller
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Ben Fuller (pictured) joins HDY from Meyer Vandenberg, bringing with him extensive experience advising on local and international property and construction matters.

Mr Fuller’s appointment comes as HDY looks to build on the strength and expertise available to clients from its Canberra office.

The firm recently recruited special counsel Angie Freeman, senior associates Rachel Bannikoff and Chris Headon and lawyer Jacob Mugavin.


According to HDY managing partner Michael Greene, the search for legal talent to continue to build the Canberra office is ongoing and the firm is actively pursuing partners and lawyers who will bring further strength and expertise, particularly in the areas of public law, property, workplace relations and litigation.

"Continuing to build our presence in Canberra is a priority for the firm and will allow us to better serve both our Commonwealth government clients and those in the private sector," he said.

"Adding a new partner to our Canberra office, and to our projects team overall, is an exciting development as we continue to take important strides in our firm's growth strategy."

Mr Fuller’s new role will see him support Debra Tippett, the head of HDY's Canberra office, and partner Graham Read – who together lead the firm's government sector focus – as they continue to build on their already strong base of Commonwealth government clients.

Mr Fuller will also provide his property and construction expertise to a range of private sector clients.

"I am delighted to join a firm with such a strong brand, recognised for its expertise and dedication to delivering the highest-quality client service," Mr Fuller said, commenting on his new role.

"The firm and I share a strong commonality of purpose in always striving to deliver the best commercial outcomes for our clients.”
