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Piper Alderman reveals 17 mid-year promos

Piper Alderman has announced it has made 17 promotions, including seven partners, with effect from 1 July.

user iconEmma Musgrave 25 June 2018 SME Law
Promotions, new hires, promos
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The national law firm has revealed its new partners, come 1 July, will be Mark Askin (real estate), Valerie Blacker (dispute resolution), Maria Capati (commercial), Will Fennell (commercial and tax), Adam Rinaldi (real estate), Lillian Rizio (dispute resolution) and Josh Steele (corporate).

Mr Askin, Ms Blacker, Ms Capati, Ms Rizio and Mr Steele are located in Pipers' Brisbane office, while Mr Fennell and Mr Rinaldi are located in Pipers' Adelaide office.


Elsewhere, the firm has promoted three to special counsel: Lucy Kenny (dispute resolution, Brisbane), McKenzie Moore (dispute resolution, Sydney), and Jen Tan (corporate, Adelaide).

Adelaide-based Antony Disciscio has been promoted to senior associate, as has Sydney-based Matthew Mennilli. Both Mr Disciscio and Mr Mennilli are part of Pipers' dispute resolution practice.

Meanwhile, Melbourne's Nicholas Allen and Conrad Banasik have been promoted to associate, along with Brisbane's Ryan Eather, Alexander Sloan and Genevieve Yates. All five associates are part of Piper's dispute resolution practice too.

“As a firm we are continuously looking for opportunities to develop and promote our internal talent. Our new partner appointments are reflective of our firm’s strategy for growth in a competitive market. The promotion of our lawyers is a direct result of their technical excellence, superior client service as well as strong team and personal performance. It cannot be said too many times that what drives our firm is the talent and dedication of our people, combined with their desire to innovate and collaborate with others," Piper Alderman managing partner, Tony Britten-Jones said.

“We are also delighted to promote three of our female lawyers to partnership, all of whom have taken or are taking parental leave in 2018. Piper Alderman is supportive of our working mothers and the new partner promotions endorse our commitment to flexible working.”

“We would like to congratulate all 17 lawyers on their recent promotions and thank them for their ongoing and significant contribution to the firm.”
