Drug rehab facility finally secured to service Dubbo region
A gap in health services in regional NSW will be filled with the development of a fully funded drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Dubbo with the NSW Law Society welcoming its completion.

Dubbo will receive a $7.5 million boost to drug and alcohol treatment services, including a purpose-built facility for withdrawal management and residential rehabilitation.
President of the Law Society of NSW, Richard Harvey, said drug and alcohol use is a significant underlying issue for a large proportion of people who come into contact with the criminal justice system.
“The Law Society has been calling for the NSW Government to take measures to invest in community-based health treatment such as drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in rural, regional and remote areas of the state for many years,” Mr Harvey said.
“The use of prohibited drugs by members of the public is both a major health issue as well as a criminal justice problem.”
Mr Harvey said having residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation services for those living in the country is essential if “we are to address the underlying issues of drug and alcohol related offences in the regional areas of the state.”
“The need for such a facility in Dubbo has been well established and I commend the NSW Government’s $7.5 million commitment to the project,” he said.
“This approach is consistent with a recommendation from the Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’ to boost drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation services in rural and regional NSW.”
Next week’s NSW budget will allocate $7.5 million to the service with the federal government and Dubbo Regional Council both committed to the project which will enable greater access for the region.
Currently, the closest government-funded centres catering to the Dubbo region are more than four hours away.
“I have fought hard to secure this funding, but it is also important that we provide the appropriate services that ensure this isn’t just bricks and mortar,” said the member for Dubbo, Dugald Saunders.
“Unfortunately, too many people in the community are either directly or indirectly impacted by drug addiction and the associated societal problems.”