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107-year-old regional law firm reveals historic merger

A regional law firm established in 1916 has merged with a newer boutique, with the owner to stay on as a partner.

user iconLauren Croft 06 July 2023 SME Law
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Tierney & Dowd is one of Riverina’s oldest law firms and was established in Leeton more than 100 years ago. As of 1 July, the firm has merged with Narrandera-based boutique Patrick Dawson Law.

The merger has been in the works for two years, and partner Patrick Dawson said that the new merged entity would have one of the most experienced teams in the region.

“Our newly expanded team of solicitors has over 60 years of combined experience,” he said.


“This will offer our growing client base an unrivalled level of legal knowledge.”

Tierney & Dowd owner Mark Del Gigante will stay on as a partner and said he is excited about the opportunity the merger offers existing and new clients across the region and beyond.

“This is a perfect partnership of two firms with synergistic values and practice styles, coming together to strengthen their position both in capacity and experience, which will ultimately benefit our beloved regional clients,” he said.

Patrick Dawson Law was founded in 2019 by Mr Dawson — and last year expanded into the small regional centre of Coleambally, whose residents often had to travel up to 100 kilometres or more to speak to a lawyer face to face.

“Both firms are committed to servicing the region with the best legal representation they can get, no matter their location, age, income or status. We practise with empathy, care and integrity with the intention of creating long-lasting social impact. This will continue even more so now with this historic merger,” Mr Dawson added.

“Returning to my hometown to start my own firm when I was 27 gave me a leg-up that many legal professionals would envy. Low overheads and loyal customers is a winning combination in the country!”