Partner quits to advise Rinehart
A Melbourne-based litigation partner is leaving his firm to take up the position of senior litigation counsel at Hancock Prospecting.

Brad Ross (pictured), formerly of Rigby Cooke Lawyers, will be based out of Hancock Prospecting's headquarters in Perth, starting on 5 March.
Ross specialises in insolvency, receivership and recovery of problem loans, trade practices and consumer protection.
Prior to joining Rigby Cooke, Ross was a barrister at the Victorian Bar. He is a nationally accredited mediator and, prior to going to the Bar, was a partner at two major Melbourne city law firms.
Rigby Cook has also announced the appointment of liquor licensing and gaming expert Darren Marx as partner.
Marx joins from Melbourne-based commercial firm Norton Gledhill and brings with him senior associate Maliq Maideen.
Marx, who formerly worked at Baker & McKenzie in Melbourne, will assist Rigby Cooke to expand its service offering in the liquor and licensing sector.
“These are new and challenging times in the liquor and gaming industry in Victoria,” said Marx.
“The new Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation has been introduced to streamline and improve the regulation of these two industries. With it has come change to both liquor and gaming legislation.”