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Minister joins Minters

The former minister for planning, transport and infrastructure in the Government of South Australia joined Minter Ellison as a solicitor today (4 March).

user iconDigital 05 March 2013 The Bar
Minister joins Minters
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Patrick Conlon retired from the Front Bench on 15 January 2013 but remains an MP.


“The relationship between Minters and Conlon is strictly subject to the Ministerial Code of Conduct,” the firm said in a statement.

Conlon, as a sitting member of Parliament, will provide services to the firm subject to his duties and obligations to his electorate.

Minters’ SA/NT managing partner Adam Banister said Conlon brings a range of skills and experience that will be invaluable to the firm.

"[We] look forward to the benefits this exciting new relationship will bring to Minter Ellison SA/NT, " said Bannister.

Conlon graduated with First Class Honours in Law in 1992. He won the Howard Zelling prize for Constitutional Law, the Stow Prize, and the David Murray Scholarship for his honours dissertation on employment law.
