News in brief: Simmons to outsource to Aus; BrisConnections; Tasmania, Law Council
LCA calls for bill of rights, again; Temporary judge in Tas; Deadline passes for BrisConnections;
Simmons & Simmons considers Aus options
UK law firm Simmons & Simmons is preparing a plan to outsrouce work to agency lawyers in low-cost jurisdictions, including Australia. Partners will vote this week on the proposal.
LCA calls for bill of rights, again
The peak body representing Australian lawyers has warned there are “significant gaps” in the protection of human rights, particularly at the federal level. The Law Council of Australia’s comments come after an international committee of human rights experts released findings on Australia’s human rights performance from 1996 to 2006. LCA president John Corcoran said he hoped the finding would help pave the way for the adoption of a bill or charter of human rights in Australia.
Temporary judge in Tas
Tasmanian Attorney General Lara Giddings has announced the appointment of a temporary magistrate to serve in Launceston, covering another magistrate who is on leave. John Myers will sit on the bench until 31 July.
Deadline passes for BrisConnections
The position of unit holders in BrisConnections remains under a cloud today as the second installment of a $1 a unit passed yesterday. Macquarie Group has offered to relieve small shareholders of their units, but about 150 investors will not be covered.