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Kelly & Co hires former Telstra exec

The former chief executive officer of Santos and former director of Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank has joined law firm Kelly & Co.

user iconThe New Lawyer 08 August 2012 The Bar
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The former chief executive officer of Santos and former director of Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank has joined law firm Kelly & Co.

Ross Adler has joined the firm’s Business Advisory Council, which was established to strengthen the firm’s links with business and the community, as well as provide “thought leadership” to clients and partners.


As well as his former roles at Santos, Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank, Adler is the current chairman and CEO of Amtrade International Pty Ltd and chairman of Dominos’ Pizza Enterprises.

He is also the International President elect of the Chief Executives Organization USA, a Director of the Order of Australia Foundation and a Member of the Board of Governors with the Institute for International Trade, the firm said in a statement.

“Ross has served on the boards of many of Australia’s leading companies. His outstanding knowledge and experience within the national business landscape will be invaluable to Kelly & Co,” said the law firm’s chairman of partners Jamie Restas.

His appointment follows that of prominent businessman Rob Chapman, who was appointed to the position of chairman of the Business Advisory Council in June.

