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Flight Centre legal action takes off

Travel firm Flight Centre is seeking damages of more than $16 million from Ireland-based IT firm Datalex.

user iconThe New Lawyer 06 November 2009 The Bar
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TRAVEL firm Flight Centre is seeking damages of more than $16 million from Ireland-based IT firm Datalex.


Flight Centre has confirmed it has started legal action in Queensland’s Supreme Court against Datalex (Ireland) Limited, and its parent company Datalex Plc.

Flight Centre said it incurred losses of $14.5 million during the 2008-09 financial year after it wrote off its investment in software being developed by the IT provider, The New Lawyer’s sister publication Travel Today reports.

The software, known as TDP Agent, was developed over a two and a half year period.

Flight Centre is seeking damages of $16.1 million, together with interest and costs. Meanwhile, Datalex is expected to fight the claim, saying it delivered the technology on time and in accordance with two companies’ agreement.
