KWM partner named ACICA president
A partner at King & Wood Mallesons is the new head of Australia’s international dispute resolution body.

Alex Baykitch (pictured) has been appointed president of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA). The dispute resolution and international arbitration partner succeeds outgoing president and Clayton Utz partner, Doug Jones AO, who is retiring.
As ACICA president, Baykitch will advocate the benefits of Australia’s international arbitration regime. He will also work closely with government and judicial departments to ensure Australia’s arbitration infrastructure is competitive with international benchmarks.
“Australia is on an upward trajectory in terms of the number of significant new cases filed and underway. As trade and investment flows continue to move east, our proximity to the Asia Pacific and Oceania, and stable political and judicial environment, are making Australia a popular choice to settle international disputes,” he said.
Baykitch is also a member of the arbitration panels of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, the Panel of Recognised International Market Experts in Finance, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board and the Australian Government’s Delegation to UNCITRAL’s Working Group on Arbitration.