Qld firm launches real estate practice
Bennett & Philp Lawyers has recruited the founding partner of Holding Redlich’s Brisbane office to head its new real estate group.

Michael Byrom (pictured), who recently took the role of director at Bennett & Philp, was previously a general counsel at Holding Redlich.
Byrom is also the chair of the Queensland committee of Chain Reaction, which promotes an annual 1000km charity ride to raise money for children’s charities.
Conveyancing paralegal Aaron Oates has also joined Bennett & Philp’s new real estate team, which consists of existing Bennett & Philp staff, including special counsel Shane Jones, lawyer David Chung and paralegals Liz Nowlan and Catherine Kocsis.
Bennett & Philp managing director Lance Pollard said the creation of a specialist real estate law department was a logical expansion for the firm, bringing the firm’s lawyers who deal with property-related matters together in one specialist team.