Cunneen and her lawyer big winners in Bar Council election (1)
Margaret Cunneen SC, who is the subject of an ICAC probe, and Arthur Moses SC, who is acting for her, have received a resounding vote of confidence from the NSW Bar.

The NSW Bar Council ballot results were released today, with Cunneen (pictured) and Moses both receiving over 300 votes – placing them among the top five silks standing for election.
Arthur Moses SC received 340 votes, ranking him as the fourth best performing silk, and getting him comfortably re-elected to the Bar Council as one of nine elected silks.
Cunneen has engaged Moses to represent her in her fight to stop a planned Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) inquiry to decide whether Cunneen and her son, Stephen Wyllie, intended to pervert the course of justice at the scene of an accident earlier this year.
Cunneen allegedly counselled Sophia Tilley, Wyllie’s girlfriend, to “pretend to have chest pains” to avoid being breath-tested after being involved in a serious car crash.
Cunneen has maintained her innocence in the wake of the announcement by ICAC that it planned to investigate her conduct.
The Bar Council election attracted just over 1,170 votes.
There were 39 senior counsel nominees and 71 members of the junior bar who nominated for the 21 positions.
Voting closed at 1pm on Thursday 6 November, almost one week after ICAC announced it was seeking to commence its public inquiry into the conduct of Cunneen.