Long-serving deputy crown solicitor retires
The NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office has lost an “exceptional” colleague and mentor with the retirement of deputy crown solicitor Peter Anet.

The NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office (CSO) has lost an “exceptional” colleague and mentor with the retirement of deputy crown solicitor Peter Anet.
He led the native title practice and advised the government on the landmark Mabo, Wik and Yorta Yorta cases. He also headed up the constitutional law practice and advised on the implications for the state of NSW should Australia become a republic.
He officially retired on 7 November.
NSW Crown Solicitor Ian Knight farewelled Anet, saying, “He is exceptional — a one-off. He is a mentor to others around [him]. Peter is always available to listen to an argument, to tease it out, test it and put forward any contrary proposition.
“I am going to miss him as a professional colleague and as a friend. Not only does he provide intellectual firepower for the legal work of my office, he serves on our executive committee which formulates policy.
“He has bought nothing but glory on the CSO and the State of NSW.”