New head for world’s premier legal body
An American has been elected head of the International Bar Association (IBA) for the first time in 25 years.

Rivkin is the New York-based co-chair of the international dispute resolution group at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.
He replaces Allen & Overy partner Michael Reynolds in the role.
“I feel fortunate that my term as president coincides with the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta,” said Rivkin. “The principles declared in that document remain the essence of the rule of law, and throughout 2015 the IBA will mark the anniversary by focusing on important rule of law issues with conferences in London, Cape Town, Delhi and Buenos Aires.”
The last American to hold the IBA presidency was William Reece Smith Jr, who was IBA president in 1989-90.
The association was established in 1947.
It has more than 55,000 members from over 170 jurisdictions.
Rivkin’s appointment is for two years.