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New TressCox partner flies in from Qatar

Squire Patton Boggs has lost an experienced corporate advisory lawyer to national firm TressCox Lawyers.

user iconFelicity Nelson 06 February 2015 The Bar
Simon Harrison
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Simon Harrison (pictured) was appointed as a partner in the firm’s Brisbane office in the corporate and commercial team this month.

“We are delighted that Simon has joined us and, through this appointment, we can offer increased capability and value to our clients,” said executive chairman Scott Chapman.


Mr Harrison previously worked in the Middle East and Australia with US law firm Squire Patton Boggs.

He brings knowledge of the energy and renewable resources sector; sustainability and environmental practice; agribusiness and food security; and the commercialisation of intellectual property to his new firm, TressCox said.

Mr Harrison has also worked for corporate clients and governments across India and south east Asia and is an adjunct professor at the University of Queensland.
