Four federal court appointments named across east coast
Four new judges have been appointed to the federal court system in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

In Sydney, barrister Stephen Burley will join the Federal Court on 23 May. He fills the seat left by Justice Annabelle Bennett AO, who has retired from the bench.
He commenced his career as a solicitor at Hunt & Hunt before moving to London between 1989 and 1992 to work for UK firm Farrer & Co.
He specialises in intellectual property, administrative law, competition and trade practices.
At the Family Court, Shane Gill will commence at the Canberra registry on 16 May.
Two judges are slated to retire from this registry in coming months: Deputy Chief Justice John Faulks and Justice Mary Finn.
In 1992, Mr Gill was admitted as a barrister to the High Court of Australia, as well as a solicitor and barrister in the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory.
He was called to the Bar in 2003 and currently acts as the president of the ACT Bar Association.
The Federal Circuit Courts will gain two new judges, Alister McNab in Melbourne and Brana Obradovic in Parramatta.
Mr McNab, who commences on 18 May, will fill the seat left by the passing of Judge Dominica Whelan.
Mr McNab was admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria in 1988 and signed the Bar Roll in 1990. His areas of expertise include commercial law, discrimination law, employment and industrial law.
Ms Obradovic, who will join the registry on 30 May, was called to the Bar in 1998. She briefly practised as a solicitor at Harmers Workplace Lawyers from 2003 to 2005 before returning to her practice as a barrister.
Her areas of speciality include bankruptcy, civil and human rights, discrimination, commercial law, equity law, family law, industrial and employment law, international law and workplace health and safety.