New County Court judge for Victoria
The Attorney-General of Victoria, Martin Pakula, recently announced the appointment of Samantha Marks QC as a judge of the County Court.

After being admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1989, Ms Marks was appointed Senior Counsel in 2010 and then Queen’s Counsel in 2014.
“Ms Marks brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role and will be an asset for the County Court of Victoria.”
Ms Marks' experience in commercial law includes banking and finance, contracts, corporations law, equity, insolvency, insurance, trade practices, securities and managed investment schemes.
She has also acted in a range of intellectual property, discrimination, employment, family law and probate matters, as well as in class actions, including the Murrindindi bushfire class action.
Ms Marks has been an accredited mediator for more than 20 years and is currently the Honorary Treasurer of the Victorian Bar Council.
She was also the Women Barristers’ Association convenor between 2003 and 2005 and is a current member of the Public Policy and Advocacy Committee for independent child and family services organisation Berry Street.