Whole new floor for Brisbane chambers
Level Twenty Seven has expanded its chambers premises to the 26th floor of its George Street building to accommodate for over 30 barristers.

The chambers in Queensland took over level 26 of its 239 George Street home, with the recent arrival of 7 new barristers. While the physical space of chambers has changed, Level Twenty Seven’s name remains.
A total number of 33 barristers currently occupy space on the chambers’ two designated floors. Confirmation has also been made that three additional practising barristers will join Level Twenty Seven from next year.
According to a statement announcing the chambers’ expansion, Level Twenty Seven consulted with architects and designers to create a new state-of-the art working space that integrated both the 26th and 27th floors.
The new fit-out supports video-conferencing, client meetings and seminars, Level Twenty Seven said.
The group hopes its new environment will better cater to clients and claims to now hold the mantle of “the largest barristers’ chambers in Brisbane”.
The newest arrivals to join Level Twenty Seven are Shane Monks, Amanda Stoker, Anthony Messina, Florence Chen, John Ware, Rachel de Luchi and Bianca Kabel.