Former ASIC consultant appointed to Vic bench
The latest Victorian to be appointed to the bench of the County Court previously worked as a special consultant with ASIC.

Ted Woodward SC has been named as the next commercial judge of the County Court in Victoria.
Victorian Attorney-General Martin Pakula issued a statement congratulating Mr Woodward on his appointment to the court.
“I congratulate Mr Woodward on his appointment and look forward to seeing the contribution he will make to the Commercial Division of the County Court,” the Attorney-General said.
“Mr Woodward has more than 30 years of experience in law and his experience in a wide range of fields will be invaluable in his new role,” he said.
Mr Woodward worked at commercial law firm Arthur Robinson & Hedderwicks for 15 years before taking on a job as special litigation consultant with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).
At the bar, Mr Woodward specialised in general commercial litigation, corporate insolvency and reconstruction, as well as proceedings and investigations under the Corporations Act.
Mr Woodward is an accredited mediator and acted in a number of inquests. In 2003, he assisted the coroner with investigations into the devastating ACT bushfires.
According to the Attorney-General, Mr Woodward has also acted as lead counsel assisting the commissioner in IBAC’s first public examinations into corrupt conduct at the Department of Transport, and was counsel assisting in IBAC’s examination into alleged serious corruption at the Department of Education.