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‘This is only the start’ for Piper Alderman in Perth

One year on from its expansion into the west, national law firm Piper Alderman speaks with Lawyers Weekly about its presence in Perth and what’s coming next — including and especially a full-service offering.

user iconJerome Doraisamy 27 June 2022 Big Law
‘This is only the start’ for Piper Alderman in Perth
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Just under one year ago, Piper Alderman announced its movement out west, marking its fifth office across the country. The expansion into Perth has been, the firm recently proclaimed, a “natural fit”.

In conversation with Lawyers Weekly, Piper Alderman partner and head of the firm’s Perth office Shane Entriken (pictured) said that the firm has been “very well received” since opening out west in July of last year, reiterating the firm’s stance that it has been a good fit for its clients.

“We are strong in the mining, energy and resources, projects and services as well as government and the tertiary service sectors. We continue to gain market share and grow our client base. We are very focussed on client service and whilst we are not a large operation in Perth at this point, we are able to use resourcing from across the firm to support our team here on the ground,” Mr Etriken said.


“I am very proud of the cultural DNA of our people. They are achievers — no obstacle is too great. We work together and we get things done,” he proclaimed.

“This is only the start for Perth.”

The firm is working towards having a full-service offering out west, Mr Entriken detailed, noting that it wants for the Perth office to be a “substantial and strong” contributor to the national practice’s revenue.

“We work well with the other offices and have found partners on average receive greater than 20 per cent of their annual fees through referrals,” he noted.

“Our approach is that a rising tide lifts all boats.

“There are substantial opportunities for those who come in early as foundational partners in Perth in their respective practice areas. They can be part of shaping the office and be the beneficiary of interstate work flows.

“Culture is critical in an office. We are looking for partners and teams who fit with our desired culture. We have a light touch management style and provide significant freedom for our people to run their practice and to innovate.”

The biggest challenge for the firm in the foreseeable future, Mr Entriken mused, is to manage growth and create the right environment for its people to thrive.

“If we have the right people with the right skills and they are happy in their work, then they can give full focus to the client and help each other to be successful,” he said.

Further to this, Mr Entriken went on, Piper Alderman trusts its partners, he submitted, gives them autonomy and operates “with light touch management”.

“We also have a focus on getting partners to equity. The type of partners we want like this,” he said.

When asked what other firms can learn from Piper Alderman’s experience in Perth one year on from expansion, Mr Entriken said that “we keep it simple and focus on the things that matter”.

“We are building a profitable business that values retention of staff and partners and ensures clients receive the clear pragmatic legal advice they need,” he said.