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How to ensure your business is cyber resilient

A cyber expert has shed light on the small things businesses can be doing to ensure they're adequately protected from cyber criminals.

user iconEmma Musgrave 18 June 2019 Corporate Counsel
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Cyber security has become a big focus point in the business of law, with many failing to implement proper strategies, consequently leaving their organisation, and the information it holds, vulnerable to threats.

Speaking at PEXA's PropertyX conference, Fergus Hanson, head of the International Cyber Policy Centre said its important for businesses to ensure they're adequately cyber resilient, particularly in a time where cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated.

A few easy strategies businesses can put in place is ensuring their software is up-to-date and use two-factor authentication, Mr Hanson said.


"Have a strategy in place to manage your passwords, differentiating between critical accounts, accounts for frequent use and disposable accounts," he added.

"Avoid clicking on suspicious emails – get your staff to take the Google phishing test.

"Contact IDCare for support if you believe your personal data has been put at risk."

Further, its essential for businesses to "make technology a value-add, not a job killer", according to Mr Hanson.

Mr Hanson's comments come after research by the Edith Cowan University's Security Research Unit and Law Society of Western Australia found only 9.4 per cent of lawyers use encryption to protect client data, 94 per cent use email to send confidential data, and 53 per cent forward work-related emails to non-business email addresses, such as Gmail or Hotmail.

In addition, 11 per cent of lawyers don’t have anti-virus protection on their work computers, 41 per cent don’t have automatic updates installed for their work computers, 64 per cent use home or free public Wi-Fi, and 41 per cent are unaware of what cybersecurity measures are in place on their smartphones.
