Confidential counselling for lawyers by experienced psychologists
Support For Lawyers provides confidential counselling by experienced psychologists and counsellors in Australia, Canada & UK who understand lawyer mental health issues.

The Day I Died at Work
“One fine Wednesday in 2019, in the middle of a day’s work, I had a cardiac arrest. I’m told I was dead for 28 minutes while colleagues and firemen did CPR. I was 46 years old and reasonably fit – physically.
The doctors found no explanation for my death, so I don’t “know” why it happened. What I do know is that in the lead-up, I had been struggling emotionally. It wasn’t just the workload – it was the anxiety of life as an employee solicitor, torn between onerous ethics and ruthless commerce. And some other stuff too, truth be told. It had been welling up for some time. At Christmas 2018, when the pressure came off, I was unable to sleep for four nights in a row. I wished I had someone to turn to – someone who understood my trouble, who could offer ways of dealing with it, and who was available to give support at the right moment. That someone wasn’t there, so I used the old method: stiff upper lip. They say stress is a killer, and it seems I learned it the hard way.
Out of hospital, I found a new job, again as an employee solicitor (options were limited). Soon enough came the same old feelings, but this time I had them, instead of them having me.
A little over a year ago, I started my own practice. Freedom of self-determination now offsets the worry and strain of work. It’s good. I might have got here more easily if, in the really bad moments, I had had that someone there.” Sam*
Most lawyers will tell you stories of stress in the industry like no other. Sam’s* story, while shocking, is not uncommon in terms of the intense impact that lawyers experience.
Support for Lawyers has been founded by lawyer Marguerite Picard who herself saw the need for specialised and confidential support services dedicated to the legal profession.
“Having worked as a lawyer for over 30 years, I have seen the distress and unique issues surrounding the profession. Quite often these are not talked about, in fact in many places these issues can be judged”.
“We hope Support for Lawyers will not only help lawyers and those working in the legal profession to increase their wellbeing and support their mental health, but also help retain people within the profession. Support For Lawyers understands the stressors involved in working in a law firm, and honestly we know there are huge problems”.
Dr Tina Sinclair is Head of Counselling at Support for Lawyers. A Cambridge PhD and psychologist of over 40 years, she leads a team of professionals around Australia, UK and Canada who are available to provide anonymous and expert support to legal professionals.
All providers at Support For Lawyers are highly experienced and dedicated to helping lawyers. They all are highly trained and skilled and understand the issues that lawyers go through.
Support for Lawyers is a national effort which also provides a unique ‘after-care’ service via tips, techniques, podcasts and more. You can make a confidential appointment via their website
For a confidential 90 minute consultation, please book directly online. Packages are available for workplaces to provide confidential support to staff.
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