Latest lawyers

Corporate Counsel 02 July 2024 ByGrace RobbieHow lawyers can enhance communication skills

Here, an award-winning GC and TED Talk speaker imparts expert guidance to legal professionals on enhancing their client...

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Corporate Counsel 02 July 2024 ByGrace RobbieWhy you need a passion outside of law

Navigating a successful legal career can often be all-consuming, leaving little room for personal pursuits outside of...

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Big Law 27 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieWhy relationship building is more important than ever

In light of the increasing adoption of flexible work hours and remote work options within the legal profession, it is...

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Corporate Counsel 25 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieWhy good communication is the key to success

Here, a multi-award-winning GC and public speaker underscores the importance of effective communication for lawyers,...

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Big Law 17 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieThe challenges and rewards of practising law in Tokyo

Here, a senior BigLaw practitioner shares insights on living and practising law in Tokyo, discussing the distinctive...

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Corporate Counsel 13 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieAdvice for lawyers wanting to change their work week

In the traditional world of legal work, the idea of having a more flexible work schedule is often seen as unusual. Here,...

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Big Law 13 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieHow DJing enriched this lawyer’s life

Jennifer Tutty reveals that her ability to merge the structured world of law with the creative freedom of DJing has not...

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Big Law 13 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieDebt relief needed to ensure lawyers stay in the regions

A proposal to reduce HECS debt for lawyers relocating to rural, regional and remote areas has the potential to transform...

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Big Law 13 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieHow can you become a music lawyer?

In the dynamic landscape of Australia’s legal sphere, the intersection of law and music offers a unique and often...

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Big Law 04 June 2024 ByGrace RobbieThe rewards of in-house NFP roles

In a world where corporate law often steals the spotlight, award-winning GC Elisabeth Flett revealed the untapped...

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