GHD names new company secretary
Leading professional services company GHD has appointed Rachel Todd as company secretary.

Ms Todd is an experienced legal practitioner in both Australia and the UK, most recently holding the position of general counsel at Holcim (a global building materials company). She was also in charge of Holcim’s secretarial, compliance and property functions.
“Rachel brings extensive legal and governance experience to support the work of the board, helping us meet our regulatory and compliance obligations in all 14 countries of operations,” Mr Knott said.
Ms Todd said that she was drawn to GHD due to its passionate attitudes and mission towards “sustainability and corporate social responsibility” and the level of diversity within its global board and leadership teams.
“In addition, the employee-owned structure, which I believe drives a positive and invested culture, is a key differentiator for an organisation of this scale. I am excited to be supporting GHD’s directors, officers, employee shareholders and the wider teams around the globe,” she continued.