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Legal Lightbulbs: Do we need to go beyond unconscious bias awareness to effect true societal change?

On this episode of Legal Lightbulbs, our hosts — Lawyers Weekly editor Jerome Doraisamy and Bowd chief executive Fionn Bowd — speak with Shakti Legal Solutions founder and principal Sheetal Deo about whether the legal profession needs to move beyond conversations about unconscious bias if we really want social change.

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Jerome, Sheetal and Fionn discuss the nature and prevalence of unconscious bias, where Australia’s legal profession is at in raising awareness of and addressing such biases, why it is exhausting to even still have such conversations, and why the profession may hesitate to explore other avenues of change.

The trio also flesh out the unique opportunity that the profession currently has to enact substantial change, what such change looks like, whether radical revolution or a quiet dismantling of existing structures is needed (or whether there is a middle ground to be chartered), the hurdles blocking change, and how best to navigate such movement in the post-pandemic landscape.


To learn more about Fionn Bowd, click here. If you have questions you want to see answered on this show, reach out to Jerome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Fionn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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