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The Corporate Counsel Show: ‘Working on the side of good’

For Katherine Mackenzie, working in government roles means ensuring protection of the public is at the heart of all that one does. As an experienced public sector lawyer, it is “a nice way to live your professional life”, she says.

user iconRobyn Tongol 14 June 2023 Podcast
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On this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency criminal offences unit national manager Katherine Mackenzie about her experience in government departments and why such a vocational pathway has been meaningful, the work of AHPRA, the criminal prosecutions that her team investigates and why, and how the scope of such investigations has evolved.

Ms Mackenzie also delves into the 100th prosecution that AHPRA recently undertook, what the day-to-day can look like for such professionals, the looming challenges for such work in the near future and how best to respond, best practice lessons stemming from her work, and legislative amendments on the horizon that can support the work of such criminal prosecutions.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: